Formulasi dan uji fisik ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera L) sebagai body lotion dengan variasi konsentrasi karagenan sebagai emulsifyng agent

  • Sofyan Fardianto Universitas Islam Madura
  • Ach. Faruk Alrosyidi Universitas Islam Madura
  • Naili Uswatun Hasanah Universitas Islam Madura
Keywords: Body Lotion, Ekstrak Daun Kelor, Antioktsidan


Body lotion is a cosmetic product used to soften and keep the skin from drying out. In addition to moisturizers, the skin also needs antioxidants to counteract free radicals. Moringa leaves contain compounds with antioxidant properties. This research aims to determine whether Moringa leaf extract can be formulated into a body lotion preparation and to understand the effect of using carrageenan as an emulsifying agent on the characteristics of the body lotion. The study also aims to find out whether Moringa leaf extract (Moringa oleifera L.) with varying concentrations of carrageenan can be formulated as a body lotion and to determine the appropriate concentration for the formulation. The Moringa leaf extract was obtained through maceration. The extract was then formulated into a body lotion with the addition of carrageenan at concentrations of 1% (F1), 1.5% (F2), and 3% (F3). The formulation of the Moringa leaf body lotion with various concentrations of carrageenan met the physical quality test standards for body lotions intended for skin use. The formulation with 1% carrageenan (F1) was the best, showing a slightly thick consistency, soft texture, olive green color, a characteristic Moringa leaf scent, homogeneity, stable pH of 6, and spreadability of 5-7 cm. The concentration of carrageenan in the Moringa leaf extract body lotion influences the physical quality, with higher concentrations resulting in a thicker consistency.

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How to Cite
Fardianto, S., Alrosyidi, A., & Hasanah, N. (2024). Formulasi dan uji fisik ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera L) sebagai body lotion dengan variasi konsentrasi karagenan sebagai emulsifyng agent. Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Attamru (JIFA), 5(2), 114-127.