Analisis Keamanan Website Desa Budaya DIY Dengan Metode Penetration Testing (Pentest) dan OWASP ZAP
ABSTRAKWebsite yang bertujuan menyampaikan informasi sangat membutuhkan keamanan agar informasi yang diterima tidak di curi atau di rusak. Beberapa waktu lalu website Desa Budaya diserang oleh peretas yang mengakibatkan tampilan pada website berubah dan rusak. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut akan dilakukan penelitian yang berguna untuk menganalisis serta mengetahui keamanan dan kelemahan website Desa Budaya. Cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis keamanan website adalah metode Penetration Testing (Pentest). Metode Penetration Testing ialah sebuah kegiatan yang berfungsi mengeksploitasi dan mengidentifikasi kerentanan keamanan. Cara ini digunakan untuk memindai target dan mengecek kerentanan, serta memiliki proses berorientasi dengan beberapa fase. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan cara Footprinting, Scanning Fingerprinting, Exploit dan Report. Pada pengujian dengan tool Nslookup mendapatkan informasi IP yaitu “”. Proses selanjutnya dengan tool OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) ZAP mendapatkan beberapa celah keamanan yaitu mendeteksi 17 sub-file vulnerability. Sebanyak 6 sub-file vulnerability statusnya medium dan 11 sub-file vulnerability statusnya low. Hasil pengujian pada website tersebut dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada pengelola agar mengecek konfigurasi di sub-file vulnerability supaya bisa meningkatkan keamanan sistem pada website.
Kata kunci: Analisis Keamanan, Penetration Testing (Pentest), Website.
Cultural Village website is a very important to support the activities and development of the Cultural Village in Yogyakarta, especially in the field of Information Technology. Website that aim to convey information really need security so that the information received is not stolen or damaged. Some time the Culture Village website, attacked a hackers which resulted in the appearance of the website changing and breaking. Based on these conditions, a study was conducted to analyze the security website, then find loopholes for the Cultural Village website weaknesses. The method can be used to analyze is Penetration Testing (Pentest). Penetration Testing is an activity carried out to exploit and identify security vulnerabilities. This method is used to scan targets and check for vulnerability, and has an oriented process with several phases. This research was conducted using Footprinting, Scanning Fingerprinting, Exploit and Report. In testing with Nslookup tool, IP information is "". The next process with the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) ZAP tool found several security holes, namely detecting 17 sub-file vulnerability. A total of 6 vulnerability sub-files have medium status and 11 vulnerability sub-files have low status. The test results on the website can provide recommendations to managers to reconfigure the vulnerability sub-file to improve the website's security system.
Keywords: analyze the security, penetration testing (pentest), website
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