Jurnal Wacana Equiliberium p-ISSN: 2339-2185, e-ISSN: 2654-3869 is published twice a year in June and December by the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Madura in collaboration with Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia (ALJEBI) and Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Timur. Jurnal Wacana Equiliberium is accredited SINTA (Science and Technology Index) at CLASS 4 (SINTA 4) by the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No.204/E/KPT/2022 is valid from Volume 09 Number 02 (2021) to Volume 14 Number 01 (2026)

Published: 2023-12-31
