In Islam conception, a leader represents one who very based and determined to its leadership, because a leader occupies highest position in group building in society. In life team, a leader from entire organ. So that a leader have strategic role in arrangement and pattern of system society team-work. Efficiency, a leader in leading will instruct his to target which wish to be reached, like feather in one's cap target and prosperity of ummah permited by Allah SWT. Definitive leader or in other Ianguage umaro or ulil amri which also have a meaning a leader of a State or government, or Amirul ummah which also have a meaning a leader ( ummat amir), Al-Qiyadah having a meaning a group head or chief of al-Mas'uliyah having a meaning underwriter answer Khadimul ummah having a meaning steward of ummat. While some factors to become criterion having the character of general and specific in determining the leader for example 1) his scholar characteristics 2) his intellectual 3) his example 4) behavior 5) his management and others.
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